When you adopt a pet, the joy that they bring to your life is immeasurable. As they start to get older, you start to develop somewhat of a countdown of their life, almost like a ticking time bomb. You know the day will inevitably come when you have to say goodbye, but can never quite imagine what ...
2019 Recap
Is it just me, or did 2019 fly by? It seems like it was just yesterday that I was reflecting on 2018 and coming up with goals for 2019. As I reminisce on the many places I visited in 2019, I can't help but feel a little melancholy. As of now, I have no trips officially planned for 2020. That will ...
Video Diary: European Christmas 2018
https://youtu.be/GHZTykWEe-s Christmas in Europe is so magical. From the food, the drinks, the singing, there is something for everyone. Nobody does Christmas like Europe. Watch this video that shows the highlights of our 2018 trip to the Christmas markets in Strasbourg, Colmar, Munich, ...
Italy 2004: My First Trip Abroad
As we enter a new decade, I've come across a season of reflection. How did I get the travel bug? Thinking back to 15 years ago, I can't help but think of how much has changed. There was no Instagram or Facebook, I didn't have a cell phone that I could use internationally, and rarely anyone had Wifi ...
Video Diary: Swiss Summer Vacation
https://youtu.be/OTJUBOHDQQo Are you looking for somewhere to travel next year? Right now is the perfect time to start planning your summer vacation! Here is a video that might inspire you to consider going to Switzerland. For details on the best itinerary and other ideas, go here. Enjoy! ...